Friday, January 28, 2011

iPod Touch Action!

Working from a new app to see if it will let me upload my pictures directly from my Touch.

I need an iphone...

Blah! Why is it that the time I allot to make cupcakes, which I feel I overestimate, never seems to be enough time?  It is annoying.  What is also annoying is that even though I love my ipod touch, the camera on it sucks major ass.  With less than one megapixel, I can only upload grainy out of focus pictures (as seen by the picture I hopefully successfully included).  Now, after some research this does not seem to be an issue with the ipohone4, which makes me happy that I can upgrade to a new phone in April, and the iphone comes out on Verizon in February =)

...looks like the picture is a fail.  For some reason I can't prove I took the darn picture.  I will try again tomorrow. =/

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let the ideas flow...

Being sick sucks.  It prevents exercise which in turn makes me unhappy.  However, due to such sickness, I have been forced to take a night off of roller derby.  No derby equals free time, which is something I am not used to.  I have made dinner, researched nursing schools, and now get to work on Cannibal Cupcakes and what creations I want to make.  Coming up with an amazing symbol to represent basically your entire idea/cupcake career, however it should be pretty awesome with the help of a good friend.

So, tentative project for Saturday: Girl Scout Samoa Cookie Cupcake.  More details to come.

Overall feeling really inspired, which might be slightly related to the State of the Union that was playing in the background while this post was written.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1st semi-post...don't expect much

Alright people! The Cannibal Cupcake Blog is up! Not much to talk about now, as it is late and trying to pick a design for this thing has been a pain in the you know what.  Expect the awesomeness to flow lets say, later this week.